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Does God created all that is? Whether
crime is there?
Whether God created the crime?

A Professor of a university famous
challenging students, students with questions
This, "Is God created all that is?".

A student with a brave answer, "Yes, He
that create all "." God created the
all? "Ask the professors again." Yes, Sir,
everything "said the student.

Professor said, "If God created the
everything, it means that God created the crime.
Because the crime is, and according to our principles
that the work we explain who we, so we
can assume that God is evil. "

Students are silent and can not answer
professors are hypothetical.
Professor the win and feel proud
that once again he has to prove that religion
it is a myth.

Other students raise their hands and said,
"Professor, can I ask something?"

"Of course," replied the Professor

Students are standing and asked, "Professor, if
There are cold? "

"Questions do it? Of course it is cold.
You never
sick flu? "Ask the professors accompanied the students laugh

Students said, "Indeed, Sir, the cold
According to the laws of physics, we assume that the cold
is the lack of heat.
Temperature-460F is the lack of heat at all. And
all the particles to be silent and can not react
on the temperature. We created the word cold
to describe the lack of heat.

Students continue it, "Professor, if the dark
there? "

Professor said, "Of course there is."

Students said, "Once again you are wrong, Pak.
Dark is also not there. Dark is the situation where
There is no light. Light, we can learn, dark
no. We can use the prism to Newton
solve a number of light and color
learn different wave length of each color.
But you can not measure the dark. How dark
a room with a measured how much light intensity
in the room.
Dark words used to describe human
the lack of light. "

Finally, the students asked, "Professor, if
crime is there? "

With undecided professors said, "Of course,
kukatakan as has been previously. We see
every day in the newspaper and TV. Many criminal cases
and violence among humans. Matters
is the manifestation of evil. "

Against this statement the students said,
"Once again you, Sir. chrime is not
there. Crime is the absence of God. As the cold
or dark, crime is the word used is human
to the absence of God. God does not
Crime create.
crime is the result of the absence of the love of God
as human beings.
As the cold arising from the lack of heat and
dark arising from the lack of light. "

Professor was speechless.

Name of the students was Albert Einstein.

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